Welcome to Strike X Rust

The Official Strike X Rust Server

Strike X | 2X | Solo/Duo/Trio | Bi-Weekly | No-BP Wipe Server Image
Strike X | 2X | Solo/Duo/Trio | Bi-Weekly | No-BP Wipe Custom Map
0 / 50 players
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A vending machine in Rust


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  • Queue Skip
  • Lifetime Ranks
  • Priority Support
  • and much more!
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VPNs are not allowed. We get it, VPNs hide your traffic, but contact us to review any bans related to this. Services like GeForce NOW and Shadow are treated as VPNs. A brief suspension will be placed on any players connecting from a detected VPN to prevent circumvention. Server-issued suspensions for VPN connections last 7 days unless reviewed.

New accounts can connect, but if your profile isnt complete, youll get kicked automatically. No server-issued bans for new Steam accounts.

No tolerance for cheating/hacks (ESP hacks, Recoil Scripting, etc.). Verified cheating bans are permanent and unappealable. We’ll ban for association at the moderator’s discretion, even if you were unaware you were playing with a cheater. 24-hour suspension if unaware of the cheating teammate. 7-day suspension if possibly aware. Permanent suspension if definitely aware. Second-time association violations = permanent ban with limited appeal options. Third-time association violations = permanent with no appeal.

Do not do anything to bypass a ban on our server(s). Do not try to join with a different account if you were banned, sit it out. Any try to do so will result in additional bans.

Offensive materials on in-game items are not allowed. Admins or mods may change or destroy these items without warning. Don’t portray yourself or teammates as using cheats/hacks to avoid hurting the server’s reputation. While we allow most base designs, buildings using game-breaking bugs (e.g., building inside terrain) are not allowed. We may remove bases or items violating this policy. We understand trash talk and competitive banter are part of Rust. Engage in spirited communication, but keep it within the games context. We reserve the right to moderate behavior or content deemed inappropriate or harmful to our community. Actions considered excessively toxic or disruptive may be subject to moderation. We will cooperate with authorities if necessary and report any illegal activities. Moderation for behavior violations can vary from server mute to temporary suspensions or permanent bans based on severity.

Do not insult other players via text chat or any other applicable communication channel. We want a friendly and comfortable place for everyone on our server(s). Not following this rule will result into temporary or permanent restrictions, in extreme cases bans.

Remember, its just a game. Enjoy your time, and help others enjoy theirs. A positive attitude helps everyone have a good time.


Avatar of Z71Mafia
Z71Mafia Strike X
Avatar of Joker
Joker DMG